Motion Amplification
Motion Amplification
The core issue with your non reliable assets is sometimes difficult to find. Motion Amplification is a state of the art technology from RDI. This groundbreaking system provides us another tool to help you achieve total plant reliability. Motion Amplification (MA) is a proprietary video processing algorithm that detects subtle motion then amplifies that motion to a level visible with the naked eye which enhances the understanding of the components and interrelationships creating the motion.

MA for Vibration Analysis
Traditional vibration analysis utilizes accelerometers measuring directional motion at a single point of contact. MA is a non contact solution that uses every pixel as a sensing point measuring motion three dimensionally. Like traditional vibration analysis MA creates spectrum and waveform graphs. Once a video is created, filters allow for viewing the data at various frequencies allowing separation of vibration sources.
Other use of MA
The IRIS-M, in addition to motion amplified videos, also provides motion vectors, motion maps, relative phase calculations and rotating-shaft specific results, There are many faults that can be detected using motion amplification, including piping vibration, rotating equipment imbalance, misalignment, engine and compressor motion, soft foot, structural issues, ineffective damping, torsion, flex, bending, and excessive transient loadings.
How Does Motion Amplification Work?
The RDI system combines a high-speed camera with proprietary software that can process the position data of every pixel in an image and amplify the motion. Millions of data points are retrieved in a fraction of a second by the high-speed camera (up to 1,400 frames per second). Please see the attached document for more information about this technology.